Nixon doesn't seem to be inherently malevolent, but his extensions eventually all lost their sanity and became a menace to humanity all in different ways, though Nixon does try to warn Ed Dwight about it, resulting in. Sightings of swordsmen in the Grand Canyon continue to this day. A splinter group of the Anti-Device Association, a Doomsday Cult who worships the Horned Serpent as a god, formed with the sole purpose in mind of freeing it off the crust of the Earth. one of the soldiers who became the Angel, Allan D. Arnoldson. disrupts the country so terribly, that the government believes their state borders wouldn't be recoverable in the next century. Both are xenophobic and genocidal maniacs who believe in fate, often to. Special Tree acted as this to George Washington, even depicting it as an apple tree. This also applies for his abilities, as there's limited, released not one, but three threats to the universe in the form of the Last Son, the Knight and the Queen. It's implied they are responsible for the graffiti on the monuments just before their fateful flight on Air Force One. 0 coins. he tried to hack down a Special Tree, most certainly without anything resembling an idea of what it really was. The story about the Lincolnlookers, as well as certain other details, turn out to have been partially exaggerated by the ADA to discredit the US government and make them look bad; while the government certainly aren't flawless, they seem closer to. In the Apollo 12 mission, one of them is shot by an astronaut and gets their eye gouged out and stolen by the U.S. government. WTFBOOOMSH. Over the course of a week he would continue to mention the broadcast, also calling it "the most unprecedented announcement in recent history." Actor (formerly)President of the United States Freedom is a statue made by Thomas Crawford that was made to stand atop the Capitol Building. It's unclear if, like their Queen, the Lunarians are creations of Nixon or not. Even the D-Day Knight is shown to be unable to repel their invasion at first. As his name suggests, he is a version of the real actor James Dean from a timeline where he lived long enough to become the 35th president of the United States. The Horned Serpent from the Monument Mythos. a barely visible silhoutte of her corpse falling from the Chrysler Building in. It is unknown how Dean dies in the Deaniverse, but many speculate he may have been killed or deified by The Great Division, similar to Richard Nixon. By the end of the series, the D-Day Knight and the Last Son have both been turned into unrecognizable monsters. their divided particles are able to travel across time, and somehow. Dean would perform bongos at the end of his speech, not before racing Nixon on the track publically for the third time. A rumor would spread that Nixon would admit Dean would be a better president than him, and would even vote for him. 6 mo. Alice Avenue, the reporter heard in this video, determines that the Knight is the only being in the Nixonverse who has free will, due to the universe which determined his fate being destroyed, allowing to him saving soldiers that were "destined" to die at Normandy Beach. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . the Lunarians after they attempt to recruit them into their kingdom as prince, destroying Lunarians bodies and cloud ships in just a few seconds. cap-iv. The D-Day Knight seems to challenge this system. splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, where he calls them an "anti-American association" and sends them to "correctional facilities" that are heavily implied to be the, Ultimately subverted by the end of the season 2, where not only was it revealed that they made multiple anomalies up and coerced Leonard Morlin into presenting them to the public through reliable sources just for the sake of giving their claims veracity, but it's also implied that the only anomalies they actually exposed to the public were the ones that posed a. fabricating the existence of certain anomalies to erode public confidence in the UZ government, even going as far as forcing Leonard Morlin to work on their pieces since his former government office would add credence to their words. The Horned Serpent is a gigantic beast resting dormant underneath the USA. I'm obsessed with Monument Mythos it's underrated, the story telling is great and the music choices in each video slap. While the Knight manages to somewhat, Unlike the anomalies of the Deanverse, the superhumans of the Nixonverse didn't start out as monsters. ALEXKANSAS Channel: . 0 coins. It was a cover story. James Dean (b. At the Walt Disney Health Center, Dean and several others were diagnosed with severe hearing loss. It is known for its hijacking of Air Force One in 2003. The Queen of the Lunarians, who gives the three astronauts of the Nixonverse's Moon landing a long and deep speech about the beauties and flaws of mankind. Advertisement Coins. Origin James Dean is a major character and is the president of The United States of the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS.He became the 37th president after he was inaugurated on January 20, 1969 and manage to serve the country until January 20th, 1977. "The ADA's repeated efforts to stop James Dean's election proved unsuccessful, and after a failed insurrectionist protest at the Capitol Building on January 6th which resulted in over 150 casualties, Dean officially became president on January 20th, 1969." What kind of verse is this? After being abducted by the United States, his lost eye was replaced by a Lunarian one. Or is there something underneath it? However, in the Monument Mythos universe, Freedom was knocked off the Capitol in 1977 and is very much alive. He first appeared in CANYONCROWN. the voice which commands C/H/A/S/E to walk to Antarctica is "Her.". Good job. His reaction to them cutting down power lines in, His reaction to them activating hundreds of anomalous air raid sirens in. Alluded to being the only survivor of the Apollo 11 Mission, since John Glenn was "evicted from reality" and Ed Dwight was killed by Nixon. Both of them sent their "children" to "test" humanity, and their children end up meeting some horrific fates, A powerful, formerly human entity likened to being God, who ultimately becomes disillusioned with humanity and resigns himself to live away from them on another celestial body in the solar system. james dean monument mythos . The Monument Mythos is an Analog Horror series created by Alex Casanas/Mister Manticore who also created CORNERFOLKLORE and The Trinity Desk Project. the inhabitants of this new universe. They used to be a bicorn hat prior to Washington's transformation. 1789-1797 George Washington . Dean would personally help restore the power lines despite assassination risks, resonating with younger audiences, due to his confidence and youth. Twice, actually. james dean monument mythos. being among the first to step foot on Alaska post-nuking to report on the Last Son. The first man to ever set foot on the Moon. He was generally considered one of Americas most beloved presidents. And then there's the reveal that he's a chunk of. 37th President of the United States, elected in 1968 instead of Richard Nixon. Dean would simply say to Alyn that "You won, little bastard. Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good . Many would believe the broadcast would be Dean related, and tuned into the ABC evening news the night after, only to be met with an ADA ad claiming Dean's American is hell. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. The Great Division gave him godly powers, and turned him into whatever he is now. He could have interfered all this time, he certainly has the power to. Maya and Nathaniel Arnoldson were members of it, if, the Air Force One Angel and the seventeen soldiers are one and the same being, but also sets up ADA, now known as the Advocates for the Division of America, states that the Liberty Lurker is in fact George Washington after he was sent to Wonderland, but that he's the. she's among the first to step foot on the. Powers/Skills Both Alice and Maya were supposedly doomed to live inside a statue, only to be freed, and decapitated by an anomaly soon after. They would quickly, during the same day, establish the US Department of Technology (DoT) to assist in the project. Even if the government is openly searching for them and arresting them by the dozen for forcible rehabilitation. Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a regular human who is just that good? disintegrates the seventeen soldiers sent to operate it in such a way that they are effectively left as consciousnesses without form, until they eventually manage to restore their form as one. The soldiers disintegrated by an advanced military construct lose their form and drift as free consciousnesses until eventually reuniting and forming up as an ethereal brain and nervous system, just like what happened to Manhattan shortly after his death. A local astronomer who after attempting to investigate a phenomena with a friend, turned into a "Container" for something he couldn't even fathom. He first appears in DEANDEMOCRACY. That all changes when he ends up captured and brainwashed by the USA Government for his unpredictable behavior in war, turning him into a Person of Mass Destruction as an impersonator of Jesus Christ. We never really see what happens, exactly. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Cthonaut to Angel communication [OC] r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a regular human who is just that good? The Lunarians disallowing humanity to use their own languages and replacing them with their own through the usage of schools is a clear parallel to cultural erasure. False children organize into the STARRYSPHINX. For tropes applying to its previous appearances in the series, see the Libertylurker and George Washington above. " I'm surprised." James Byron Dean (born February 8, 1931) is an American politician who served as the 37th president of the United States from 1969 to 1977, he was previously also an actor. Dean would also successfully shut down a siren himself, greatly damaging his ears, blood vessels, and skin, causing him to go deaf. In 2002, a documentary about Dean's presidency titled "DEANDEMOCRACY" would be released to the public. A chunk of, And then it's revealed he was, essentially, Alcatraz matter trying its best to imitate a human and making several missteps along the way until grief and rage made it drop the act, Alice Avenue's memorial statue does not contain her soul, The "letter" he writes to the World Nightly in, Even when it's revealed that Nixon laid out a said path for him, he immediately disregards that by rejecting his fate as a Lunarian prince and upending the entirety of the Lunarians' prophecy through, He's evidently not very intelligent, with, His grief at the realization that Alice Avenue is truly dead, spreading across the entire United States and annihilating the Lunarian race, when he throws Alice Avenue off the Chrysler Building, The "letter" he sends to the World Nightly is riddled with spelling errors and is written in poor handwriting. Like his sister, he was killed off with little to no explanation in, as the one who finally reveals the true identity of the. ", "In our world, Ed Dwight never went to the Moon.". Instead, he creates monuments. after all, he had been in the oil business for a brief time, but to totally not recognize his two terms as president of the united states was confusing and troubling. Alice Avenue lives through her own statue, or even that he put her in there. After the Last Son became the Crescent King, they began to slowly destroy the English language and built schools to teach Americans the Lunarian language. The layout of the first moon landing is completely different, with Ed Dwight and John Glenn landing instead of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, although Michael Collins still piloted the orbiter. Prior to the Libertylurker interview, he was the only one who knew of the Horned Serpent being trapped in the Statue of Liberty aside from the US Government. As he states before committing suicide, he was doing this for, Downplayed. Combining the concept of analog horror with Alternate History, the series takes the form of Mockumentary videos focused around an America where things took a slightly different course, and where bizarre and unexplainable events occur near national landmarks like the Statue of Liberty or Mount Rushmore. Despite the Lunarian invasion being her doing, she doesn't personally engage in any of their atrocities unlike the brainwashed Crescent King. The projects goal is to restore hearing to all American citizens by July 4th, 1969. The Great Depression is avoided entirely due to Rockefeller's dealings with the Germans, who was the United States president at the time. Friends/Allies The series ends on this note. We never learn anything about "Her" in the Nixonverse's finale, or if she even exists at all. 3 4. virginia and the last son meet up. Why, by nuking him, kidnapping him, and brainwashing him to use him as a weapon of war, of course! Alias(es) She first appeared in CANYONCROWN. 1 12. An American reporter currently living in Egypt in exile. Hollywood actor James Dean was killed at age 24 in an auto accident on September 30, 1955, near Cholame, California.He had previously competed in several auto racing events, and was traveling to a sports car racing competition when he was involved in a car crash at the junction of California State Route 46 (former U.S. Route 466) and California State Route 41. . Mandela Catalog is ok but it's become the white bread to the Analog Horror community (personal take). Unsurprisingly, the Angel is not very pleased with the American government. After a failed assassination attempt on Dean involving air sirens so loud, they'd distort the skin of victims whilst deafening them, many members are taken off for rehabilitation within national US monuments to cure them of their violent and rebellious ways, with almost flawless results reported from their families. James Bryon Dean It first appears in LIBERTYLURKER. the Air Force One Angel breaching his bunker door with a high-powered heat ray and making him disappear. the skull of what may be a horned serpent. As it turns out, he and Virginia's lover (also named Leonard) from. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS lunarians! Dean would later be awarded by domestic and international health agencies with banquets and awards, but ignored them for racing Richard Nixon publically for a fourth time, downplaying his achievements when asked about his actions. The Suez Canal Crab is a gigantic crustacean-esque creature that was awoken by a thermonuclear bomb intended to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal. It was Nixon who killed Ed Dwight. The titular antagonists of the series, mysterious houses that have appeared on the Ocean as early as 1939. Had one with a man named Everett, who she met in Wonderland and played with for what seemed like "500 years." "The devourer of villages." As "Jesus," he made the people of the United States his chosen people, and was willing to destroy anyone that stands in its way. When the Apollo 11 mission lands on the Moon, she was more than willing to welcome them and treat them as equals. As a mass of Alcatraz matter that managed to assimilate the properties of the Horned Serpent and Wonderland, Nixon is effectively a composite of the myriad anomalies that affected the Deanverse. This is untrue. Prior to the Great Division, he was just a regular man who was friends with President Dean. It results in thousands of Americans getting killed or deafened by the sirens they themselves hacked into, resulting in. They would be brought to Special Trees near the Washington Monument to swap them for their Nixonverse selves, creating a drastic change in their personalities and memories. The Anti-Dean Association Thrown off the Chrysler Building by the D-Day Knight and falls to her death. Despite being incredibly powerful, Nixon chooses not to intervene in any of the Nixonverse's conflicts due to his distrust of humanity. Dean would go on to self direct several more ads for after the ABC evening news, and it would become a weekly occurrence every Friday throughout 1967, and would become the highest rated show on TV. This would cause the Last Son to awaken his superpowers and become inspired to help those in need, effectively setting in motion the events of THE NIXONVERSE. Instead of pioneering animation and creating one of the biggest companies on Earth, Walt Disney stayed in the medical field following World War One and went on to fund the hospital shown caring for Dean in. Maize, in the universe of the Monument Mythos, is an American-grown supplier of electronic goods. Drew President Washington. The ADA claim that they became a "walking atomic bomb," and they will use them to divide the three zones into as many states as they can. In 2000, we've learned from our mistakes. Also, they seem to believe heavily in Determinism. One is inside the Washington Memorial, while another was at the Rockefeller Center, and larger groups of Special Trees appear later in the series. In 1955, while the young Kirk Alyn, later known as The Last Son of Alcatraz, was daydreaming about his place in the universe during a drive, and he would have a head-on collision with Dean. final words at the beginning of ''THE ED DWIGHT PARADOX''. Despite it being many years since her death, Her middle name is literally Fate, and fate sure as hell has, The doctors and parents are able to quickly tell that she and the rest of her friends are not their children or even belong in their world at all, having slightly different bodily features and no memory of things that should be familiar to them, sometimes not even sharing the same name of their counterpart. A French diplomat and the developer of the Suez Canal. In our world, Ed Dwight was an African-American test pilot who joined the early astronaut program but was controversially blocked from joining NASA. The short clip we are shown of her memorial statue morphing heavily resembles previous videos from Seasons 1 and 2 about American monuments, what with the heavy breathing and. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Those who had deafness unrelated to the disaster became eligible once the disaster victims were all cured of deafness. Classification: Human, Actor, President of the United States. He has been a sexyman since the first video with him in it dropped, with many wanting to be friends with him, but he blew up when his bad boy side was revealed . He was speculated to be Satan as the ADA broadcasts stated previous to the reveal of his heroic and honorable nature. The "Angel" is actually a fusion of the seventeen soldiers who activated the Death Ray on top of the Great Pyramid. In truth, he had managed to place his whole body into the statue itself. It seems their theory was correct (or at least someone in the government didn't want them talking about it for whatever reason), because the journal that aired the news story shut down the very next day. Downplayed when compared to Nixon, but Luna is responsible for a number of events in the series. It's implied by the return of the English language in later videos that they were decimated by Nixon along with The Crescent King. After breaking free of the Lunarian mind control, the Last Son completely loses all will to live, yet being unable to put himself out of his misery. They're revealed to be the one that took and probably killed John D. Rockefeller in, of the ADA. It was used as a basis for technology produced by Maize before a certain incident occurred that put a stop to those ventures. THEY ARE ALL ASHES NOW. It takes a full show of power from him to actually put an end to their threat, and a horrifying power at that, After brainwashing the Last Son and turning him into their king and wrecking havoc on the earth for God knows how long, they finally get their comeuppance in, Their slow destruction of the English language is terrifying, but their main victim so far is the. The lights that composed the Starry Sphinx seemingly did exactly that before taking out the cameras, and more importantly, the Special Trees, On one hand, there's the US government, which actively sacrifices its own citizens to the anomalies, the president can trap someone of their choice inside the Lincoln memorial for their, Played with by the end of the series, where, The "True Forces of Mass Destruction," alluded to in multiple videos but not yet fully explained, appear to be this. The first is an animated parable produced by the ADA, depicting Washington attempting to cut down his father's prized tree. Much like the Horned Serpent he separated from, Nixon serves as this for the entire Nixonverse. In order: Lauren and Quinn Arnoldson (the former revealed to be the second Doctor Disturbing), Leonard W. Morlin, the, How the US Government ultimately disposes of both Freedom and the Air Force One Angel, in a bout of "mutually assured destruction.". The many who would attempt to turn off the sirens would trample and kill each other, creating cones of bodies around the sirens. structures that span an infinite amount of length, made to contain the Special Trees. ", Much like the Deanverse, the Nixonverse has various strange beings and anomalies that inhabit it. heads have been cut off by the Statue of Freedom. In our world, Ed Dwight never went to the moon. This is because of the Lunarians destroying the English language after taking over the Crescent King. It is implied that this action ended up meeting the name far more accurately than the Dept of Technology could have ever feared, triggering the Great Division, ripping the world apart and releasing the Serpent. the implied founding member of the Arnoldson family. "Days Later on May 13th, 1969" Phone: No missiles have been launch President Dean. Later on, a Lunarian eye is used to brainwash the Son into becoming an impersonator of Jesus. This most likely triggered its transformation reflex, and he got sent to Wonderland, As it turns out, the fact that the Horned Serpent shares this same nickname is. His name's initials, ADA, are the same as the soon to be Anti-Dean Association. However, in this universe Alcatraz is much, much different, and alive. She first appears in FREEDOMFALLER. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! James Dean (THE MONUMENT MYTHOS) Wiki Article. Character Synopsis. Her fate, at the hands of Freedom no less. The Libertylurker is revealed to be none other than the Horned Serpent/George Washington, the mastermind behind the Statue of Progress, the Suez Canal and the Special Trees (implied to be its horns). They are fighting against the United States of America, a xenophobic nation that used the Last Son to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam that. However, he has a more malicious Distinctive Voice: what are we waiting for, he fits this trope! in retaliation for "interfering" in the Korean War. This fits, as Nathaniel and Maya Arnoldson, two Arnoldsons themselves, would become members of the ADA, and the Angel itself acts in a rebellious nature against the United States similarly to the ADA. In addition, the end of the New Delaware Journal's final broadcast gives us an explanation for the series as a whole. james dean monument mythos. Richard Milhous Nixon, also known as The Moon God or simply God, is the secondary antagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS franchise, serving as a minor character in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and the overarching antagonist of it's analog "superhorror" sequel series, THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Nixon then proceeds to tell him, After Nixon warns him about his three creations going insane, Ed ends up killing himself with his, After not appearing in the majority of episodes until now, the first sentence in, A photo of him and his family is briefly shown before he committed suicide. It's heavily implied that, after Nixon's fictionalization, the Nixonverse was overwritten by a reality that is exactly the same as ours with the sole exception of the events of the series being a work of fiction. The Command Pilot of the Apollo 11 Mission, who was able to witness Luna and her speech, as well as learning that the Moon somehow has a breathable atmosphere. According to a Discord Q&A by Alex, she apparently has knowledge of what happened in the Deanverse and is implied to be aware of who the Horned Serpent is. Then Alcatraz manages to assimilate and replace the entirety of the United States in just one night without anyone knowing. . He would ask the American people to report them to authorities. "Alcatraz Zone," "Rushmore Zone" and "Washington Zone", people who tried to climb the Special Trees, 'In the end?' Nothing. Instead, electronic technology seems to be firmly stuck in the 1980s, with crude replacements for modern web apps like the Maize Movie Maker pseudo-computer and the TWTTR-Machine (or T-Machine) pseudo cell phone. Presidents in Monument Mythos Timeline . George Washington aka The Horned Serpent serves as this for the first two seasons as the power behind Maize and the ADA. It's likely that Dean was referring to his car, nicknamed Little Bastard and renown for being allegedly cursed, but the Last Son interpreted that as having finally "won," like the woman in his visions told him to. Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a . This list contains the books we've recently received, if you're looking for new books that are available, this is the place to check! Despite this, he does it without bloodshed and it is still preserved in some sort through a comic book. using materials or energy from the Horned Serpent underneath the United States. falling in love and then becoming pregnant, Nixonverse to spread the word about his universe. Given she met a grown man named Everett while she was trapped in the space between worlds, and the time and dimension distorting abilities that the Special Trees have, it would be a fair possibility that Everett or a counterpart of him has spent an eternity wandering around in limbo, or alternatively, was eventually released sometime as what's referred to as a creature within the Washington Zone. Nixon is basically stuck on the barren Moon without any of his friends or family and without any of the human luxuries he had back in the Deanverse (including, Apologizes to Ed Dwight before he murders him, as, Goes from an unsuccessful presidential candidate and Dean's friend in the Deanverse to being the literal. their abduction and forced crowning of the Last Son, to them forcefully destroying all human language and performing mass lobotomies in order to enforce their own upon the Earth. the flying heads of Canyon Crowns, which are already established as being able to grow to truly massive sizes. drops her from the Chrysler Building for sharing secrets she wasn't meant to. Said colonies were discovered by accident during a flight, Steven Trevor's plane crash and the Apollo 11 Moon Landing respectively. It then veers into him revealing that he never actually read the speech nor did he build the Canal of his own free will. Dean would call many world leaders and high ranking military officials to confirm the non-existence of a nuclear attack. This makes Wonderland a paradox truly without origin. It first appears in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. Ordering Ed to shoot at Luna ultimately changes her vision of humanity for the worst and unchains a series of events that eventually leads to the Lunarians invading Earth and the universe being fictionalized. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from
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